The basic principle of the universe

Someday, surely, we will see the principle underlying existence as so simple, so beautiful, so obvious that we will all say to each other, “Oh, how could we all have been so blind, so long.”

John Archibald Wheeler

The universe is based on a very simple principle. This is the principle of symmetry. The simplest form of symmetry – mirror symmetry means:  unity of duality.

img symmetrie

The structure of the universe is based on the principle of symmetry:

img universum

That means:

What we call “universe” is the process,
how a duality becomes a unity.

That is already all you need to know about the basic structure of the universe, because everything else follows from it.

Mathematical description of the universe

If we want to understand the essence of the universe in more detail and also describe it mathematically, we only need to find out one thing:

How can two opposing things (element | anti-element) form a unity?

An answer to this leads us to a 3-dimensional, symmetrical cellular automaton in the form of a logical-geometric network. Nature does not use numbers, tensors, integrals, differential equations, etc. to describe physical processes as humans do, but uses only two things: geometry and logic. This is the mathematical language of nature, which is presented on the following pages.

The experimental evidence

The assumption that the universe is based on the principle of symmetry is in agreement with the experimental results.

There are dualisms in the microcosm which are formed from matter and antimatter. These dualisms are absolutely exact. A particle - for example the electron is exactly the opposite of the positron:

It can be assumed that all these exact dualisms, such as

elektron | positron
up quark | anti-up quark
down quark | anti-down quark
neutrino | anti-neutrino

are formed by a basic dualism element | anti-element:

img dualism

Only the beginning

On the following pages only the simplest basic principles of the automaton are described and the first results of the investigations, which resulted from complex software analyses, are presented.